Scammers take advantage of desperate need for cash
Revitalised from their end-of-year holiday, South Africans typically tackle the new year with gusto and renewed vigour. It is also a time when students who
We represent the collaboration of neighbourhood watches from the Constantia Valley area and aim to provide local residents with important information relating to their neighbourhood security and community. Read more about us or get in touch if you have any queries or information to submit.
Revitalised from their end-of-year holiday, South Africans typically tackle the new year with gusto and renewed vigour. It is also a time when students who
FoCVGB in association with Parkscape, The Zandvlei Catchment Forum, CRoCs (Concerned Residents of Constantia), TreeKeepers and CRRA, would like to invite interested parties to a Good day, The City of Cape Town is currently conducting a large-scale household survey and will be interviewing 10,000 residents from every area and
Saturday 10th February 2024 This morning members from Constantia Watch SRT, K9 Seeff, SAPS Wynberg Crime Prevention Unit and City CT Metro Police Equestrian Unit