The Role of Community Police Forums
A CPF should play the following roles:
- To make sure that local police are able to explain to people what they are doing about crime in the area
- To check on how well the police are using their resources in dealing with crime in the community
- To monitor how well the police are doing their work in the community, for example, is it easy to find a police officer when you need one, are there always plenty of police visible at rallies and other mass events, do police patrol the streets, do police respond quickly when a crime has been reported, and so on
- To enquire into local policing matters, for example, what are the main problems with crime in the community, are the police dealing with these issues effectively and are the police using their resources most effectively
The CPF should have a constitution which contains the standard elements of a constitution, including the mission of the CPF, how decisions are taken, voting, meetings and financial procedures, etc.
CPFs represent a partnership between the community and the police. These are the roles of each partner.
- The police run the police station – although some Forum members may be trained to help with administration work
- The community advises and helps the police and monitors their performance.
A CPF may be consulted on these aspects of the day to day running of the police station:
- New appointments to the station
- Changes from foot patrols, to bicycles or cars
- Changes in how the police operate
- Changes to the police station, including where new police stations should be built
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